söndag 12 september 2010

September the 8th and 10th

Wednesday the 8th
Think it was when we got an indication of our teachers and we would answer questions, however, only two questions and then would write an essay on any disability / incapacity.It was pretty fun, but it was a bit hard to find facts. But I'm pretty sure that all the facts found we needed.

Thursday 9: theI do not really know what the people in my class did because I was home and was poor. But I think well that they continued with the paper we got. But as I said, I have no idea huh they did. It was just a pure guess. 

Friday the 10thI got one hours late to school because my dear brother, but I took it so I did not miss much. But of course I had to call and tell my teacher, but he said not very much.But once I got there it was time for breakfast and then things started lessons again. Then it was just to sit down and continue with that essay. But anyway I each finished with it, submitted the essay that was about four pages. Hope he will be satisfied!

Now it will stay, up to 06 o'clock tomorrow morning! Sweet dreams!

måndag 6 september 2010

Home work in English

Hello, I had to do a blog on english in school. I don't know why but.. 
Anyway, in this blog I gonna tell you what we doing in school on Wensday to Friday. 

Well, what have we done? Nothing, just sitting on our FAT as and waiting for the theather.. 

(I know, my english suck, but, I don't make you read it..)